
World's Top Pole Dance Competitions
Pole dancing, a sensual form of solo dancing that involves the use of a fixed vertical pole as a prop, has become popular as a form of exercise and entertainment. The art has also gained popularity as a sport as a wide array of amateur and professional...
Famous Pole Dancers
Since the middle of the new millennium, many practitioners of pole dancing have been trying to change people's views of the art. Several of them have been promoting it as a nonerotic form of dance and acrobatics. Recently, it has gained popularity as...
UK Pole Dancing Day
UK Pole Dancing is a national day to celebrate pole dancing being a recognised sport and art form in the UK. UKPDD was founded in 2009 by the Equity Pole Dancers’ Working Party and supported by the Pole Dance Community (PDC) which is an advisory and...
Sports Similar to Pole Dancing
Pole dancing is a performance art that combines acrobatics and artistic dance moves performed on a vertical pole with music in the background. It has been a popular form of entertainment and fitness, especially for women, and is commonly practiced in...
How Pole Dancing Has Progressed
Pole dancing is gradually gaining popularity as a kind of sport and fitness routine. With just a pole and some acrobatic skills, one can tone and exercise almost every part of their muscle. Now, many dance studios offer pole dancing lessons to those...