6 Products

X-Pole Sport

Start Pole Dancing with X-Pole Sport (NS) 

Start your Pole Dancing journey with the X-Pole Sport (NS.) Available in a range of finishes including chrome, this popular static pole is very easy to install and includes height adjustment. With no permanent fittings, the pressure mounted X-Pole Sport fits ceiling heights between 2235mm (7′ 4″) to 2745mm (9′.) My Dancing Pole also has extensions available for different ceiling heights. 

This great starter pole dancing pole is a safe and sturdy option for pole dancers just starting out or for those dancers that prefer a no spin pole. The poles compact design means that it is easily disassembled and can be transported. For Spinning Dance Poles, check out the X-Pole Xpert

At My Dancing Pole our customers Pole Dancing journey is important, we offer FREE gifts with X-Pole, pole orders along with FREE Delivery on X-Poles.
